Hedge Trimming & Pruning Services in the Utica area

Medium sized home on a corner lot with professional landscaping surrounding home. Trimmed shrubs and decorative trees planted in bed with white stone.

Do you feel as if things are closing in on you? Bushes and shrubs are a great natural border, effective in allowing you and your family the peace and privacy many desire. Sometimes bushes get out of control and can cause a person to feel claustrophobic. If this happens it may be time to have your hedges trimmed.

Benefits of Trimmed Hedges and bushes

Having your hedges properly trimmed by Turf Pro Outdoor Service has many benefits beyond just curb appeal.

Like humans, plants, need upkeep and maintenance to remain healthy. Regular trimming of your shrubbery at least twice a year leads to healthy growth. Healthy growth leads to an overall stronger plant with adequate fortitude to maintain an aesthetically appealing structure also helping it to live a longer life. One often over looked benefit of a Hedge Trimming is pest and bug control. When insects aren’t controlled this can lead
to disease, weakening the plant. Nobody likes all those pesky bugs flying around their heads when trying to enjoy their yard.Regularly trimmed hedges improves privacy. A properly maintained hedge grows in dense, filling any holes nosy neighbors may be able see through.When trying to sell a home, the positive impact a professionally cared for Hedge has is undeniable. Often times, the first impression is the only impression you’ll ever get. To increase the value of your home and attract more buyers to put their foot in the door, a pleasing exterior is a must, good landscaping will go a long way in filling that order.

Close up of pruning the stem of bush.

Pruning. Yes there is a difference.

The terms pruning and trimming are often used interchangeably, but there is in fact a difference. Trimming otherwise known as shearing, is when overgrowth is cut back to a more controlled and appealing shape, often applied to hedge rows and evergreen shrubs. Pruning on the other hand is typically more selective, targeting damaged, infected ,dead, weak, unappealing and/or invasive growth. Although there are times when a more broad pruning technique is recommended. Pruning a plant is vital to healthy growth.

Doctors office with trimmed shrubs surrounding the front of building.

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