Gutter Cleaning Service in the Utica area

Like many situations in life, its the ones you rarely give thought that can come up from behind and cause major problems. The old adage rings true, “an ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure”. Or in this case an affordable service such as a Gutter Cleaning can save you thousands on repairing a roof leak or worse, an issue with the foundation of your home.

Before and after gutter cleaning in Utica, NY.
A bonus of having less water accumulation is… less water=LESS MOSQUITOES!!

Why get your gutters cleaned?

A home is often a family’s largest investment. Clogged gutters, often over looked, are a leading cause of roof leaks. With out getting them cleaned on an as-needed basis gutters are likely to get backed up causing water to overflow. Pools of water will then form causing roof problems down the line. If this happens during the winter when water turns to ice, even worse.

The most critical function of down spouts and gutters is to protect the foundation of your home. Water must be guided to the intended channels, if this isn’t the case water will pool up leading to shifts, leaks, cracks in your foundation and flooding into your basement.

A gallon a water weighs 8 lbs, if seriously clogged, an average home’s gutters can hold over 30 gallons of water! It doesn’t take much imagination to understand over time the damage hundreds of pounds can cause to the structural fortitude of a drainage system.

If the idea of clibing a ladder on a cold, windy day doesn’t sound like a good time, GIVE Turf Pro A CALL!
